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Sweet Potato – रताळे | शकरकंद



Sweet Potato is also called as शकरकंद in hindi & रताळे in Marathi.

No Chemical & Poisonous fertilizers are used in farming. Desi cow dung and urine-based preparations such as Jivamrut and Ghanajivamrut have been used in cultivation. This is 100 % naturally grown by Subhash Palekar Krishi (SPK) method.

Sweet potato is rich in antioxidants, Vitamin A, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium and Zinc

Health Benefits of Naturally grown Sweet Potato :

  • 🍠Aids in Digestion.
    🍠 Safe for diabetes
    🍠 Relieves constipation, when roasted.
    🍠 Relieves diarrehea or loose stools issue, when boiled
    🍠 Increases weight, when roasted with ghee.
    🍠 Aids weight loss when roasted alone. Can add little black pepper. (Donot add ghee).
    🍠 Balances both Vata & Pitta dosha
    🍠 Boosts Immunity
    🍠 Helps to sooth ulcers & inflammation
    🍠 Promotes strong bones
    🍠 Nutritious baby food
    🍠 Beneficial for pregnant women
    🍠 Beneficial for our nervous system
    🍠 Helps in maintaining youthfulness
    🍠 Improves skin & hair health
    🍠 Increases memory power & helps against forgetfulness
    🍠 Helps in clearing cough
    🍠 Helps in increasing muscle mass
    🍠 Helpful in cholesterol as well as blood pressure
    🍠 Supports cardiovascular health
    🍠 Good for treating urine issues
    🍠 Helpful in heavy menstruation cycle

Also in Ayurveda, sweet potato is suggested for its below properties:

🍠Snigdha (Oily – effective in dryness of body caused by increased vata),
🍠Ropan (Healing), Guru (heavy or filling),
🍠Koushana (not too hot or too cold – can be consumed throughout the year),
🍠Vajikarana (Aphrodisiac – improves sexual health),
🍠Balya ( Tonic – good for overall health)

Shelf life – Stays well upto a year in dry place.

We have attached one article which we found good, You may read it to know more on Sweet Potatoes:

Health benefits of Sweet Potato | Narayana Health


SKU N/A Category

Additional information


1 Kg, 400-600gms


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